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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Coorg - The Scotland of India :)

Finally All the planning worked out and we went to Coorg this long weekend. We stayed at Windflower resort.  Turned out to be a great choice.

Will update the details of journey and fun we had soon :).

Some of the pics are uploaded below:

The swimming pool of the hotel was truly the most amazing part :).

Walking through the greens, listening to birds' chirping, sipping coffee sitting in the balcony with rain making greens even more greens. It was a weekend that will be cherished and remembered for life time.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Long Live Long Weekends :)

Long weekend is around the corner and but still I have not planned anything yet. Looking forward to go to some hill station and unwind.

I have already two books to read and the only way I can imagine myself reading is a) Sitting at beach in Goa with a mocktail to refresh and book to read with endless sea to cover the view :).

Or sitting in some serene hill station at a very quiet place, birds and misty winds to fill the silence, with a hot cuppa of coffee and book in hand surrounded by hills like being in cocoon.

Lets see which plan materialize. Hope I have something great to share over here next week.